Letra de Alberto Vacarezza
Watch out, my heart… Just shut up for a moment
and listen please to this talk
if you know that her love is all yours,
there is no reason to go crazy.
Watch out, my heart… Just shut up for a moment.
A poor pick-pocket that went to rest
to jail for her fault sung like this
While the dame, with her donaires,
by those streets of Buenos Aires
she gave herself to roll
However, as everything ends in this life,
one afternoon he left prison
and when he found her he told her
the pick pocket said:
come back with me please.
I cannot come back, said the dame,
My love has already ended.
A shadow passed, a shot sounded,
The dame fell, and an ambulance
quietly took her.
And again, in the hours of the night,
when the flag sleeps quietly,
from the last cell of the jail
one hears the pick-pocket singing this song:
Watch out, my heart… Just shut up for a moment.