Letra de Gabino Coria Peñaloza
Música de Juan de Dios Filiberto
Compuesto en 1926
Traducido por Frank Sasson.
Gabino Coria Peñaloza se refería en sus versos a un caminito del
pueblo riojano de Olta. Resultó premiado en un certamen abierto por
la municipalidad de Buenos Aires en 1926. Fué Ignacio Corsini quien,
desde el teatro, lo convirtií en un grán exito. Este interprete lo
grabó el 15 de junio de 1927.
Little road that time has erased,
That one day saw us pass by together,
I have come for the last time,
I have come to tell you my woes.
Little road, you were then,
embroidered in clover and flowering reeds,
a shadow you will soon be,
a shadow the same as myself.
Since she left
I live in sadness,
little road my friend,
I’m leaving also.
Since she left
she never returned,
I’ll follow her steps,
little road, goodbye.
Little road which every afternoon
I happily travelled singing of my love
don’t tell her if she passes through again
that my tears watered your tracks.
Little road covered with thistle,
the hand of time erased your tracks.
I would like to fall beside you
and let time kill us both.