Candombe mulato (en ingles)

Letra de V. Lima

« A popular song from the rich, yet rarely-heard, Música negroide
tradition of Uruguay, advocating pride in being black and urging the
honoring of age-old traditions »

Black with traces of white,
White with traces of black,
You never have to hide
What comes from inside

>From the depths of your blood,
You carry two bloods beating.
You must never muffle
The drum of your grandfathers

Cha Cha mulatto, beat it here
Cha Cha mulatto, beat it there
Cha Cha mulatto, bring that hand here
Which makes the chas chas on the drum
Cha Cha mulatto, bring that hand
Which beats chas chas on the drum

Mixture of black and white,
Mixture of white and black,
Let’s all follow together,
The black people’s drum.

Life is not mulatto,
such a thing as blood or of hair,
But a man thinks best,
With a full stomach.

Dance, dance, but remember,
You should put you mind to it
So that men all over the world,
Should think in the right way.
Dance, dance but remember,
That life is not a game,
And for once we must join together,
Rich or poor.