Letra de José María Contursi.
Música de Maríano Mores
Compuesto en 1942
Los versos fueron inspirados en la entonces jovencita hermosa y rubia
que vivia en una localidad de Montaña (Capilla del Monte) Argentina,
llamada Susana Gricel Vigano. El poeta la conocio siendo casado.
Luego de la separación de su esposa, contrajo matrimonio con la
inspiradora en la pequeña capilla del lugar. Formo parte del
repertorio de Aníbal Carmelo Troilo y la canto Fiorentino 30-10-1942.
Inever should’ve thought
about trying to win your heart…
Yet I looked for you
until one day I found you
and with my kisses I bewildered you
failing to care how good you were.
Your illusión was like crystal
that shattered when I left,
because I never, ever came back…
How bitter was your heartache!
«Don’t forget me,
your Gricel,»
you said while you kissed
that image of Christ…
Today, I’m still crazy
because I did not forget you,
you no longer remember me
Gricel! Gricel!
Ilacked the sound of your voice
and the warmth of your eyes
and like a madman Ilooked for you
but I never could find you
and I succumbed to other kisses.
My life was such a fake!
What will I become, Gricel?
It was the law of God
because his mistakes already paid
the one who hurt you somuch.