Ida y vuelta (en ingles)

Letra de Virgilio Orphan
Música de Saúl Cosentino

Translated by computer, proofed by Rose Nash

That gray sadness,
the anguish invaded me,
tears of salt fell of the love.
Never did I imagine that silence that came
After we climbed aboard the airplane in a crowd.

Everything went away
according to the clock.
Your silhouette finally
Got small and disappeared,
and the turbulence of the motor
toward the end
put an end to the good-bye.

The heart knew
that soon there was going to be a return,
and the song of the trip was… restlessness
you were everywhere,
you were my dreams.
you always present with love.

The return finally happened
and I began to fly
bringing to you again
all what I was
End of a trip
That has enlarged the love
and the kiss that I gave you
repeated itself ..!