Far away on the hill
where the fowls sing their love,
I have my little nest,
of thousand colors that is for you.
We built it together,
with the hornero and the leñador,
it shows up the plumaje
of all the birds in its splendor.
And at dawn, when the sun rises,
like roses fallen of the heaven
that the virgin of my illusión sends.
If you want to see them,
accompany me,
that by your charms
all that throne I put at your feet.
see if it will be so beautiful,
that the most corageous chief known in the tribe
will envy it.
While with anger,
by its cravings I rejected
his inherited wealth,
hunting skins of great value.
I offer it you to you
for only your love
the gold does not matter to me
neither the great treasures
of an emperor’s kingdom.
Your love suffices me to be happy,
if there is no more wealth
than your beauty as a woman