Yo sé hacer (en inglés)

Letra de Andrés Cepeda
Letra de Andrés Romero
Letra de Manuel González
Música de Carlos Gardel

I know how to make (To Hernández)
Yo sé hacer
Lyrics by Andrés Cepeda»Andrés Romero», » Manuel González.» was born
in Colonel Brandsen (Buenos Aires.) May 18 1879 and it died in Buenos
Aires March 30 1910. Call» The divine poet of the prison.» Young
poet, cult, abandoned the studies to be blended with bad companies
will give with his bones to the» National Penitentiary» after
offending several times, there he wrote most of his verses. Gardel
sang numerous poetries of Cepeda, to who knew, and it recorded making
them figure as own, the following ones: «Gorgeos, Gurgles» (La
mariposa, The butterfly)»; To Hernández, Yo sé hacer» (I know how to
make)»; «A mi madre, To my mother» (Pobre madre, Poor mother)»; «El
poncho del olvido» The poncho of the forgetfulness» («Me dejaste», You
left Me)»; «El almohadón, The cushion»»; «Amargura» Bitterness»»; «En
vano», In vain, In vain.»

Music of Carlos Gardel

Cifra (1) August 13 1912

Number of the main test of the house recording 56749-1 Nº of
publication order or of recording of the first appearance of the
title: 2. Sequential Nº of recording: 2 Serial number of the
original disk T728 Side B. Duration in minutes: seconds 3:29
Recording acoustic mechanics, carried out in Buenos Aires and pressed
in Brazil. The name of the stamp was Columbia. Sung by Gardel in
Buenos Aires in 1912, accompanied with their guitar. Theme: in spite
of their study lack the main character doesn’t feel smaller than
nobody. Not understanding it in their entirety, I believe that it is
one of the best works in a Carlos young Gardel. Hernández said with

I don’t believe the fearless language
left of the papers (papel(es))
of the one that chubby is born.
I am of the same ones (mesmos ) críos
Hit (golpiao) aware to understand
Of that (de’ sa) lack of power,
this school is not had
to be compared the well educated man (estruido),
at the source of knowing.
Although born and grown up (criao)
in the school of suffering
I give myself knacks for (pa’) to live,
as the most literate man.
I know how to hit (trompiar), I have looked for (buscao)
to put to a horse (pingo ) the farm tool
and to the slightest ostrich
I know it in the field to bowl (boliar)
I also know a head arnear (arniar),
to hit him a tatú to the leather.
I know how to castrate a foal
and to take care of a horse of guiding help (parejero )
and to the a tame horse (mansarrón) more inteligent (mañero)
the alfarda (pana) knows how to remove him.
I know about a lock to separate,
in a court to run
I know how to take out him and to put
to any young bull the knot
and trow balls (boliar) in common field
any bug to (pa’ ) eat.
I know how to manage the plow (arao)
to (Pa’) plant a seed
and in the time of it thrashes her
I pick up what I have sowed (sembrao).
Already for a braided knot (trenzao),
a rein «cabrestro», a maneador (maniador)
I know how to stop, as the best,
I surround in an open field
and until in the same one (mesmo) desert
I am skilled (baquiano) and party goer (rumbiador)
And if school has not given me (dao)
those that gave me the being,
by force of suffering,
the experience (experencia) he/she has become trained (enseñao)
that this altar that I have not given myself (dao)
by force of being well educated (estruido)
me that I have always lived
for the surrounded (rodiao) ignorance
in the cautious one unfortunate (desgraciao)
of this floor in that I have been born.

The words in parenthesis are colloquialisms in the original. It is
difficult to get a similar word in inglish, at lest to me.

Mesmo: Same, formerly meismo and m(e)esmo, of the Greek * medipsimus,
combination in the vulgar emphatic ipsi-form of ipse’ the same one,
the own one’, – met that was added to the personal pronouns to
reinforce their sense egomet, tumet,’ me, you in person’), and
he/she had in the colloquial language a variant – med. First
documentation: origins of the language (Cid, etc.). Although same
it is what is in the Cid and in documents of (it mentions of the
Sacred Spain in OelschL), and it sometimes figures in manuscripts of
Berceo, and although some in these ways can be authentic, most will
be the scribes’ modernizations. The common thing in the archaic
period is varying different. Meismo is read in the Jurisdiction of
Aviles 1155, in documents toledanos of 1210 and 1215 (M.P, D. L.
208.49, 273.42), in one central leonés of 1254 (Staaff LXXXrV, 17),
and this insured for the meter and the rhyme once in Berceo. It is
not very frequent form. The average thing in Berceo seems to have!
been misme, frequent in the Miracles (707a, 741d, 751a, 7ó0d, 783c
and passim) and in other parts of this poet’s work’, and that it
reappears in some other text (Burgos 1215, M. P, D. L. 1ó5). The
common thing in the whole Half Age, mainly from the XIV S., it is
mesmo that is still the only form used by APal. (13ód, 200d, 201 b
and passim) and the registered one for Nebrija From principles same
XVII S. prevails in the civic language, and from the XVIII mesmo it
is relegated to the rural speech; details in Espinosa, BDR III, 21,
and BDHA I, 81-84. Cej. IV, § 57. In gallegoportugués the old
meesmo (in the Inquisiçoes 1258, p. e.g.) and same (law of
principles XIII S., Cortesao) they have forgotten and mesmo has
prevailed. You form similar they are in other romances: occitano
old medesme, mezesme and at some time meïme, fr. old me(,d)esme,
me(,d)isme (p. e.g. in St. Alexis and in Roland), Italian medesimo
(but employees are however Italian, stesso istum ipsum and occitano
old! mezeis, you put, met ipsum, and in Catalan it is general
mateix). It has been known for a long time that same and variants
correspond a Latin vg. met ipsimus, forms very reinforced in that
combine two emphatic elements: the – semet met, egomet, etc, and
the superlative ipsimus for ipse that is frequent in Petronio and
other vulgar texts. He/she comes to be as the selfsame Castilian.
With metipsimus it is explained without difficulty the fr. old
medesme, today meme, the varying occitano medesme, and even maybe
the Italian medésimo (whose double sound, apart from this, maybe
indicate dialectal origin). But the forms iberorromances and the
frequent varying occitano mezesme present a dental, inexplicable
treatment of the occulsive one apparently, because I don’t believe
that nobody accepts the explanation of M-L. when supposing that all
the forms romances are loans of old French (although their author
maintained it queerly until it finishes it ed. of the REW 5551).
As I already indicate Cornu (Rom. XIII, 289), a variant must exist
* egomed, * sem! ed, etc, with the dental one weakened in final
absolute that from there he/she spread, giving Latin vg. *
medipsimus, etimo in the ways romances that interest us; although
this form not this documented (against what Millardet, Ling says.
et Dial. Rom, p. 7, for a confusion), if it is frequent to find in
Latin vulgar graphs as facid or aud (Schuchardt, Vok. d. Vglat I,
118-22), and the own one M-L. he/she explained in another occasion
the logud. old mimi (mihimet) and the forms of the same type for a
weakened pronunciation of the – T in this position (Zur Kunde gives
Altlogud. 38; R. G. I, 374). But it is still a difficulty,
because of ipse, ipsimus, alone it could leave m(e)esmo, not the
Castilian m(e)ismo, neither the old varying galorromanica meisme.
To explain these forms in – i – 15 Millardet notices (Rom. XLII,
4ó2) in the occitano old wezis, you measure, * medipse, and
observing acutely that this it is parallel to the forms French il
tm, cistecce isTi and similar (wit! h – i instead of – AND, for
analogy that, and close metafónico of the tonic vowel for virtue of
this end), he/she suggests that mezis could have similar
explanation, and from there the i would spread to the superlative
meismo, meisme, etc. This explanation is verosímil in France, and
well it can be true everywhere, since the forms like essi, esti,
elli, is normal in Berceo (although in them the analogy of the
feminine one, the neuter one and the plurals were able to impede the
metafonía. Anyway, the total lack of a * Hispanic medisse, and the
misme existence in Berceo, they advise to introduce a light
modification in the theory of Millardet, admitting that according to
the isti pattern, ipsi, etc, was used in the vulgar iberolatíno a *
MEDIPSIME that gave the misme of Berceo: then the two forms would
originate they would be m(e)isme and meesmo, and of its crossing it
would be m(e)ismo. Known it is that correct Spanish distinguishes
among oneself, employee when one preaches jointly of several fellows
or of the several parts of one alone, and th! e same one when there
is expressed comparison between two terms (oneself servant serves
two gentlemen, but the servant of the one it is the same one that
that of the other one); this distinction this very observed one for
the classics and the best modern, but they don’t lack exceptions in
some neither other, according to the vulgar use that spreads to
generalize the same one, vine. Crow, Ap, 7ª ed, p. 256.

Estruido: Well educated.

Pingo: Rag: Horse, steed, pony. || Energetic and strong horse.

Arniar: he/she could have relationship with harness. (Of the fr.
harnais, and this of the nórd. * herrnest, of herr, army, and nest,
trip provisions). / / m. Group of weapons that made comfortable to
the body, assuring them with belts buckles. / / m. Provided frame
of belts and buckles that he/she gets tied up to the body and it is
good to hold or to transport something or to somebody. / / m. pl.
Gears of the chivalries. / / m. pl. coloq. Sew necessary for
some end. Manuel took all the harness to hunt. / / ~ tranzado. /
/ m. The made up of diverse pieces with their junctures, so that
the armed man with him could make all the movements of the body
easily. to emblazon of the ~. / / fr. p. us. To count bounces
or imaginary courages.

Tatú: it could be to tattoo.

Parejero,ra: (Of couple). encl. That he/she ran even. / / encl.
was said of the horse or of the mare trained to run them. / /.
encl. Am. Mer. It is said of the career horse and in general of
all excellent and speedy horse. U. T. c. s. / / encl. Ant.
and they Come. Conceited, smug, jaquetón. U. T. c. s. / /